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China Sporting Goods & Recreation Stocks catalog and Sporting Goods & Recreation Stocks manufacturer directory. Trade platform for China Sporting Goods & Recreation Stocks manufacturers and global Sporting Goods & Recreation Stocks buyers provided by yeskey.com.

Sporting Goods & Recreation Stocks

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1) .Machine stitched 2) .PVC leather Soccer 3) .Butyl or rubber bladder 4) .2 or 3 layers fabric 5) .Size: 5, 4, 3, 2

  • From Guangzhou Dunrun Sporting Goods Co., Ltd.
  • Soccer

    1). Machine stitched 2). PVC leather 3). Butyl or rubber bladder 4). 2 or 3 layers fabric 5). Size:5,4,3,2

  • From Guangzhou Dunrun Sporting Goods Co., Ltd.
  • Soccer ball

    1) Hand stitched Soccer ball 2) PU synthetic leather 3) Butyl or rubber bladder 4) 2 or 3 layers fabric 5) Size :5,4,3,2 ...

  • From Guangzhou Dunrun Sporting Goods Co., Ltd.
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