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      How to care tennis racquet?

      How to care tennis racquet?
      Prince o3 tennis rackets are easier to string if you follow these simple guidelines

      Many stringers get confused when stringing Prince tennis rackets and if you are just starting out these additional 'rules' can cause some series stress.  What I mean to say here is that the larger holes cause the frame to move when securing cross strings which in turn makes it harder to clamp and string the racket properly.  The Prince O3 rackets also have a mandated 'short side' of the frame so stringers need to take that into consideration before mounting the racket.  Aside from these simple variances in the stringing techniques, stringing these rackets is really no different than stringing any other frame.  Once you are experienced stringing the Prince Tennis frames you will actually like how easy it seems because the crosses are much easier to weave with less friction.

      You might also be interested to know that the directions with diagrams and specific tips on each racket can be found on the BALEAFSPORT website. Not only does the website offer great diagrams and directions it also provides step by step guidelines on how to use the "boomerang tool" to make the stringing go easier.  This tool is inserted into the cross string holes in order to keep the string straight. o make things easy for my readers I will be adding a new section to my site which will provide direct links to stringing pages so that you only need one click to access stringing guides and stringing instructions

      Keep your racket stringing database up to date and easy to access learn how here

      Ok, so you took my advise and got a label maker and started placing labels on all your rackets that you string and included all the pertinent information such as tension,string name,reference tension, date,etc.
      The next step or actually probably the step before creating labels is to keep accurate records of all your customer information.  There are numerous ways to keep data and I want to discuss this with detail here.  I have found 3 ways to keep this data and probably one of the methods should work for your business and budget.

      1.  Old school - this method is simple, you keep a running journal / notebook or a 3 x 5 file box or index card file as your customer information 'database'.
      This method is simple and handy and can be easily accessed, changed and updated and is very cost effective way to keep information but needs to be organized to be effective.  I like this stye box over the basic short 3 x 5 plastic index boxes, it looks more professional and keeps you thinking BIG with a goal to fill it with new customers!

      2.  Techie style- There are several Iphone apps for setting up a database to store your information and therefore you have easy access to the info.  I sometimes feel lost if I don't have access to the information, especially if i meet a client outside of the shop where I don't have access to records.  There are numerous Iphone apps that can support your tennis business and I will have a detailed blog post on this soon.  I need to do a little more research to get you the best information.  Another Idea is to create a simple database program to store your customer information on your computer.  If you join the USRSA (The United States Racket Stringers Associaton) you will have access to some great tools to help your stringing business.

      3.  Web based- This is the method I use consistently.  There are several webbased database stringing websites that allow you to keep customer records and even send automatic emails to your customers and a place for customers to be able to log on to see their stringing information.  I use Stringjob for my stirnging information, there are a few others but I have found stringjob to offer what I need for the lowest cost.
      I hope this helped you get your customer information current and organized.  Offering a professional stringing service includes knowing your clients racket stringing needs without having them tell you each time they visit you.

      Clean the racket prior to mounting for more professional stringing

      In line with providing my readers more helpful tools and techniques to making you a better racket stringer, here is another one of my stringing tips: 

      Clean the racket prior to mounting.

       I don’t know of many stringers who actually do this prior to stringing each time but the stringers that do are projecting a professional image. Although customers do not always notice or thank you for cleaning their racket, I have found that clients have noticed a difference and you would be amazed to see what a little cleaning can do to that old racket! Generally if you live in an area that has clay courts or someone used the racket as a shovel in the dirt this step can really make a difference quickly. I have seen rackets with years of dirt and grim that can easily be wiped off with some rubbing alcohol and a cloth. I generally will get a spray bottle and fill with rubbing alcohol. There are several other tennis uses for this that I will discuss later. Advertise that you do this in your promotional material. This is a great marketing tool. Generally I will wipe the racket down, get the dust off, clean around the grommets until all the marks are off.


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